Category: General

Virtual Early Facilitation Parent Information Evening, January 21, 2021

The YCDSB Student Services Dept. will be hosting a Virtual Information  Session for Parents of Children with Exceptional Needs registering for Kindergarten Year 1 (Junior Kindergarten) in September 2021. Parents are  invited to attend the virtual session to learn about our Special Education Programs and Services.

Please click on the following link to access the Flyer with details regarding the Information Session. ... Continue reading "Virtual Early Facilitation Parent Information Evening, January 21, 2021"

OLR Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week-November 2020


“Ontario has designated the week beginning on the third Sunday of November as Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week to help promote safe schools and a positive learning environment.

During Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week – November 15-21, 2020 – Ontario students, school staff and parents are encouraged to learn more about bullying and its effect on student learning ... Continue reading "OLR Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week-November 2020"

Important Update – YCDSB High School Registration 2020-2021

Dear Parents and/or Guardians of Grade 8 students:

Our York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) secondary schools are excited to welcome new Grade 9 students for the upcoming 2021-22 school year!

Register your child for high school

On Thursday, November 26, families of Grade 8 students will receive a digital registration form to register their child for high school. ... Continue reading "Important Update – YCDSB High School Registration 2020-2021"

Save the Date! St. Elizabeth CHS Comprehensive and R.A.P. Virtual Open House-Nov. 25/20

Dear OLR Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

St. Elizabeth’s Comprehensive and Regional Arts Program Open House will take place virtually followed by a Question and Answer period on Wednesday, November 25th.

Please see the attached flyer for additional information about the upcoming virtual open house for grade 8 students who may be interested in attending St. Elizabeth CHS for 2021-2022.

... Continue reading "Save the Date! St. Elizabeth CHS Comprehensive and R.A.P. Virtual Open House-Nov. 25/20"

Mathify Online Presentation for Parents

OLR would like to thank TVO Mathify, Ambassador, Diana Lang for promoting Mathify to our Grade 6 to 8 students and informing the parent community about its features and benefits during a comprehensive presentation which took place on Wednesday, October 21, 2020 online.

Mathify is a web-based application and service which acts as “a complement to existing math lessons and practice. TVO Mathify ... Continue reading "Mathify Online Presentation for Parents"