Category: General
Anti-Bullying and Positive Climate Week Events and Initiatives at OLR!
Dear Parent(s) and Guardian(s):
Here is a highlight of some of the fantastic things that are happening at Our Lady of the Rosary CES during Anti-Bullying and Positive Climate Week (Nov. 21-27, 2021):
- Ongoing “Walking Club” for interested primary, junior and intermediate students during the lunch recess. This initiative is overseen by ... Continue reading "Anti-Bullying and Positive Climate Week Events and Initiatives at OLR!"
The OLR School Community Remembers…
In the month of November, the OLR school community’s focus now shifts to the virtue of “Justice” and treating others with open minds and without the spectres of bias and inequity. Many of the school’s learning opportunities and initiatives have been intentionally planned with the idea of removing these barriers in mind.
We look forward to our Remembrance Day service on November 11th ... Continue reading "The OLR School Community Remembers…"
OLR November 2021 Newsletter
Dear Parent(s) and Guardian(s):
Please see OLR‘s November 2021 school newsletter for important updates and information.
Also, please note that there will be a ONE DAY Picture Re-Take Day on Wednesday, December 15, 2021 for any students who were absent for today’s School Picture and Grade 8 Grad picture Day, for those who did not have the opportunity to have their ... Continue reading "OLR November 2021 Newsletter"
October 2021 Virtue of the Month Award Recipients at OLR
Congratulations to all of our October 2021 Virtue of the Month recipients!
I will:
- Seek to understand others by listening.
- Be willing to forgive others.
- Give of my resources to help those in need.
Teacher Grade Students Ms. Ecclestone JK/SK Alice B.M. (SK)
Aryan K. (SK) ... Continue reading "October 2021 Virtue of the Month Award Recipients at OLR"
Virtual Open House Information for St. Elizabeth CHS and other YCDSB Secondary Schools 2021-2022
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
Please note the following information regarding upcoming virtual open houses for YCDSB secondary schools for 2021-2022:
St. Elizabeth Catholic High School525 New Westminster Drive, Thornhill, ON, L4J 7X3 Monday, November 15, 2021
Regular Program / RAP / ESL / ELD
For more information on the Regional ... Continue reading "Virtual Open House Information for St. Elizabeth CHS and other YCDSB Secondary Schools 2021-2022"