Category: General

OLR Family Fitness Challenge in May!

Dear OLR Families:

May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. Traditionally in May, OLR holds its annual Family Fitness Night. Last year, we encouraged families to submit videos or photos to our Family Fitness Challenge. This year we are going to make it a month long challenge. The classroom teachers will be posting 2 calendars in their Google Classrooms for May. One ... Continue reading "OLR Family Fitness Challenge in May!"

ShareLife Week at OLR!

Dear OLR Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

The York Catholic District School Board is a proud supporter of ShareLife and has designated April 6 – 9, 2021 as ShareLife Week. ShareLife is the official charitable arm of the Archdiocese of Toronto, raising funds to support more than 40 Catholic agencies and grant recipients serving the poor and marginalized in the Archdiocese of Toronto and beyond. ShareLife-funded agencies ... Continue reading "ShareLife Week at OLR!"

Holy Week Services at St. Joseph the Worker Parish

Dear OLR families:

Please note the following information regarding masses and upcoming Holy Week services at St. JW Parish.

Please register for all Masses and church events online at: St. Joseph the Worker, Thornhill.

If you cannot register online, please call the office at 905-660-1253.

Lenten Confessions will be heard

... Continue reading "Holy Week Services at St. Joseph the Worker Parish"

OLR Virtual Family Math Nights-March 23, 24, 2021 @ 6:30-7:30 pm

Dear OLR Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

Please note that Our Lady of the Rosary CES cordially invites OLR families to the following two age/grade specific upcoming Parent Engagement events funded by the Parents Reaching Out Grant.

Both nights have as their aim:

Healthy Active Living Presentation for Parents

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I am pleased to invite you to a virtual presentation for parents on staying healthy and active during COVID-19. The presentation is scheduled for Thursday, March 25, 2021 from 7 – 8 pm, where you’ll learn some fun ways to help keep you and your family moving.

Please open these links to view the ... Continue reading "Healthy Active Living Presentation for Parents"