Category: General

Welcome Back to OLR for the 2021-2022 School Year!

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all of our students and their families, current and new, back to Our Lady of the Rosary CES! We hope that everyone has enjoyed the summer break in great abundance. With a great deal of optimism and enthusiasm, the OLR staff looks forward to beginning a new year,

... Continue reading "Welcome Back to OLR for the 2021-2022 School Year!"

Lunch Supervisors Needed at OLR for 2021-2022!

Welcome to Kindergarten at Our Lady of the Rosary CES

Dear Families of JK/SK students who are new to OLR:

Due to the current closure of all YCDSB schools and the current provincial “Stay at Home Order”, OLR’s combined face-to-face Welcome to Kindergarten event and First Impressions conferences  will take on a virtual format. These First Impression meetings are currently being scheduled and will be taking place using secure virtual means via Google ... Continue reading "Welcome to Kindergarten at Our Lady of the Rosary CES"


Dear OLR Families:

Along with many other schools within the YCDSB, Our Lady of the Rosary CES is taking part in a 1-day “Nurturing Hope Food Drive” in conjunction with RichmondHill Food Bank. Please consider walking to OLR on Tuesday, June 1, 2021 from 8:30 am to 6 pm and donating a bag of non-perishable foods and/or personal hygiene items.

Thank ... Continue reading "Nurturing"

Catholic Education Week: May 2-7, 2021 at OLR

Dear Parents and Guardians:

During the week of May 2 to May 7, 2021, the York Catholic District School Board will celebrate the significant contribution that Catholic Education has made to the community, the province and to Canada. Our Catholic Graduate Expectations challenge students to articulate in society those fundamental values that underpin Catholic education.

 The theme for this year’s Catholic ... Continue reading "Catholic Education Week: May 2-7, 2021 at OLR"