Welcome Back to OLR for the 2021-2022 School Year!

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all of our students and their families, current and new, back to Our Lady of the Rosary CES! We hope that everyone has enjoyed the summer break in great abundance. With a great deal of optimism and enthusiasm, the OLR staff looks forward to beginning a new year, an opportunity to create new memories and expose the students to new learning opportunities in recognition of the welcome return to co-curricular activities, clubs and sports, strengthened through the reassurance provided by the 2021-2022 YCDSB Re-entry plan, enhanced health and safety measures and protocol related to COVID-19, widespread and increasing access to vaccinations and a thoughtful and measured return to many aspects of school life that are familiar to many of us. Although Catholic Education Week takes place later on during the school year in May 2022, it is not premature to consider the overall message of Rebuilding, Restoration and Renewal that will be a critical motivating force for all that we do, as we plan ahead and look forward to assisting our students and their families with the transition to the rigours of school life, while at the same time focusing on the learning recovery needs of our students and their spiritual and mental well-being. At this time, we look forward to working through the process of electing a new Catholic School Council for 2021- 2022, as well as, working with our school Trustee, Ms. Wigston, our Area Superintendent, Ms. Sawicky, and Father Steven and our friends at St. Joseph the Worker Parish. Welcome to the newest members of the OLR team, Ms. Machala our ESL teacher and Ms. McClelland, our Music teacher.

Yours in Catholic Education,

W. H Kwon




September 2, 2021:

Please also note that our September 2021 edition of the school newsletter is now available for your viewing.

OLR CES Sept 2021 Newsletter

Please thoroughly review the OLR September 2021 Newsletter which contains specific and important information relating to school start up instructions for the first day of school and general information which is applicable to the school year. As updates informed by YCDSB and York Region Public Health become available, this information will be communicated with families as required. Families are reminded to check the YCDSB website often for the latest updates by visiting: https://www.ycdsb.ca/

Communication regarding who students’ homeroom teachers are for 2021-2022 will be sent out in a separate communication via School Messenger prior to the start of school.

Finally, for newer families who may have missed the initial communication around suggested school supplies according to division/grade, please find attached for your reference the OLR Division/Grade Specific Supplies Letters as prepared by the homeroom teachers at OLR.

OLR Supplies List Intermediate (Gr. 7-8)

OLR Supplies List Junior (Gr. 4-6)

OLR Supplies List Primary (Gr. 1-3)

OLR Supplies List Kindergarten (JK and SK)

Please see below for a copy of the updated York Region Public Health School and Childcare COVID-19 Screener for 2021-2022:


YCDSB COVID-19 Daily Screening Confirmation Sheet:

YCDSB Student COVID-19 Daily Screening Confirmation.docx


Wishing all students and their families a successful start to the new school year!


W. H Kwon
